The Christian Biblical Narrative, has various views.
However, the main narrative has four major parts:
creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.
For the creation part, God
created the whole universe from nothingness. This
means that He solely has dominion and power over all
that happens to creation and mankind. According to
the Christian Biblical Narrative, God then gave man
dominion over all other creations. He gave them the
responsibility to take care of the rest of the creation.
Nevertheless, a fallen angel called Stan or Lucifer tempted the man and woman into going against the will of God. This fractured
the relationship between man and God, resulting in them being cast out of the Garden of Eden. This is known as the fall of man.
This, therefore, lead to another Christian Biblical narrative of how human beings are not born pure. God further punished them
by experiencing some form of pain and suffering. It also created a struggle between good and evil in human beings. It has been a
continuous struggle throughout the Christian Biblical Narrative.
After the creation and fall of man, God was merciful enough to offer a way to redemption. This part is based on man renouncing
his sinful ways and accepting and leading their life according to God’s ways. This redeems them from a lifetime of pain and
suffering. In the Old Testament, this was done through the offering of a sacrifice to God to cleanse one’s sins. In the New
Testament, Jesus Christ gave the ultimate sacrifice by dying on the cross for man’s eternal redemption.
This brings the final part of the Christian Biblical Narrative of restoration. After Christ was resurrected from the dead and
ascended back to heaven, He left a promise of returning one day in the unknown future. This period of awaiting the second coming
of Christ is known as Eschatology. The second coming of Christ promises no more pain and suffering as well as restoration.
Meanwhile, in reality, people continue to suffer through sicknesses and even death. Despite the assurance of eternal life after
death, diseases, pain, and suffering are the reality of living in this mortal world.
In the Christian Biblical Narrative, one would find comfort in the fact that God has power over everything. This means that God
has power over all sicknesses and diseases. In the Bible, we have seen Him performing healings in various ways. Therefore, as
Christians, this should give us the comfort that God can heal. In the creation narrative, after He finished creating everything, He
called good. This, therefore, implies that we’re perfection in some ways before God.
Despite the pain and suffering that resulted after creation and the fall of man; God was merciful enough to offer man a way to
redeem themselves. This means that He is a merciful God. In spite of the pain and suffering that mankind experiences, He gives us
hope and a way out of it. He promises eternal life where there is no more pain and suffering. He also gave his only son the ultimate
sacrifice. This serves as an assurance of his unconditional love and that our suffering is not in vain.
The Christian Biblical Narrative of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration, serves as a ray of hope for people. This is
because it offers humankind meaning in times of pain and suffering. The promise of a better future helps sick people better cope
with their illnesses and disease. Research has shown that there is a direct correlation between health and spirituality. Spirituality
heals the spirit which medicine cannot be able to achieve.
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